3 Letters world!

Buying 3 letter world with no symbol or number and tell me your price

The real Siethy is selling 3 letter worlds for 10wl each if interested let me know list is in world Siethys

10 wl each the list is in world siethys

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That 10k PL guy? yeah but how can i contact him?

go world siethys i was there, the owner (Siethy) has there tons of 3 letter worlds.
Enter world and go right, to these signs.

that 10k pl guy isnt me lmao

Oh kk ill go there 20000000 chat

I buy yom and another wakt

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Ty btw love the world :wink:

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I sell MON (abbreviation of Monday) (Highest 45wls) TZY (15) , SJX (15) and More

i wanna buy some 3 letter world @Siethy80

@Siethy80, I want to buy world NTS.

I am back from a year break from pw, tried to come back in a better attitude, yeah thanks i needed that.
So with that said i have completely set up my worlds for sale again, its faster, and better and you are getting the basic 2017 old flat world, they are now 20wl each cause i seen people selling cleared 3 letters for 30wl. So my new price of 20 per is now in effect for flat worlds , cleared worlds i will be selling at 25wl. Hurry there’s only 7-8 days before wl’s are untradeable. After this they will be 7500 each or 9k cleared. Come get it for wl’s before it costs you more.

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I still have about 200 3 letters left they are priced at 5k each and they are for sale.

I’d suggest you to make ae new thread about this, since only those people who replied or bookmarked this topic get notified

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