A cool chat trick!

Try typing in Pixel Worlds chat: .com
It will show in the chat as “scam”
.commer = “scammer”
.coming - “scamming”
A cool secret command, don’t you think? :wink:
Kinda useless tho.
Thanks for @MIISS for showing me this in-game. :smiley:

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I knew about the .com one, but not about .commer and .coming.

I thought this was mostly an anti-scam feature, but the last two examples make it look like an easter egg :smiley:

Scammers wouldn’t buy/rent a .com domain anyway, so it’s kinda useless as an anti-scam feature too. They would probably go for something cheaper.

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I saw many use survey websites and just create a survey there. This way they don’t need to go through the hassle of making a website yourself. Those survey sites do often end in .com.


Those surveys tell to “Never share your password” most of the time, but you’re right.

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.com automatically translates to “scam” in the chat, so naturally adding “mer” at the end would combine scam + mer, to create “scammer.”


Ah, yes, makes sense


Danijelo found you mindaw :mag:

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When you type the “n word” correctly, it gets replaced with “dude”

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Time to try that and not get banned


Danijelo is here! Welcome to the forum!

This has existed for quite some time now. It also works for the word “weebly” which turns it into “scam”. The “.com” one can be bypassed by simply adding a space. “. com”

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Why only weebly?

There’s “wordpress”, “google sites”, and “blogspot”. These all have frequent scams too.

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Weebly was most probably the most used one.

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Ni gga = dude (20 characters)

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