A new world blast feature đź’ˇ

World Clear Blast

Greetings me hearties.
So I am currently working on a PW meet-and-greet world to socialize more people. Though, while I was working on it I came across an idea that would be handy for lots of people. I’m an old Growtopia player, so clearing a world manually is not something we’ve done a lot since we have a blast called Thermonuclear Blast, basically a feature allowing players to get their worlds instantly cleared. This item can be purchased in the store for (x) amount of gems.
In case you are having the same issue, I hope I’ve helped :heart:

I’d love to hear the development team’s thought about this suggestion, much appreciated. I love everything you’ve provided, keep up the great work :pray:

Hope everyone have had a great new years eve, stay safe and happy forever and a night :]

Best regards,


Sorry if I sound rude, but I don’t think that’s gonna do really well.


I appreciate your opinion, mind if I ask why?

Nobody needs these worlds.

People have tried making these before and they were forgotten.

Well, I wasn’t talking about social worlds. My point is clearing in general.

This is… Gt blast thingy? Didn’t like the idea that much, cuz the name copy gt blast, maybe something like “Nuclear Bomb” Or something else.

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cough CHAT cough

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