Accidental ban?

This is because CLASH members, or members with high credit scores get higher ban immunity.

Oh my god thats so unfaie to be honest right here and here

Does your brain function correctly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No it doesnt, Albert

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how does being in a clan is connected with topic?

My brain i mean! Yeaaaaa

If thats true it would be too unfair.

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If the ban reason just said hacking, how do you know that it’s related to fishing? You can contact support but no, it’s not a “glitch”.

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Well… If i get banned after an “glitched fish” while fishing i think its related to it

It’s not true, it’s just ondrashek and his theories.

Yah it sound kinda real tho…

I will actually be am active member of this forum cuz if i cant play the game ill chat with players.

So someone tells you something and you instantly believe it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not really. Albert if it seems very fishy i dont belive it then

Then why are clash members not getting banned from the PW discord, huh?

I am in Gizmo :pensive:
I shall get banned immediately for not being in CLASH I am sorry :sob:

Me neither even tho im banned … Hmph

There is at least 3 clash members perma banned on discord.

It’s not impossible for them to get banned, just very harder.

But theres one thing : how you know ?