Am i being hacked or perhaps an admin intervention

So three of my major worlds would simply not let me in ?

Either timed out or unavailable at this time

I was actually in one of them when i thought it just lagged , but I could not get back

I tried 3 accounts and also pixel station and other worlds seem to let me in ?

Anyone ever seen this ?

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The world i was in and supposedly lagged out also kept showing 1 person being there.

Now i know the world’s suffer from lag it’s one those many bugs in the game … None the less very disturbing

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It’s just basically your world doing a backup. Wait 15-30min and you’ll be able to get back on the world :wink:

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I just had mine during December 18 2022 but this time the set that i placed in a mannequin disappeared.I made a post about it and i’m still waiting for a moderator to reply because i lost 200-300k+ worth in 4mins.

I had the same thing but this time i lost a set that i placed in a mannequin is there anyway to recover it?
It happened when i was doing the recycling event and i lost 200-300k+worth in 4mins.After not being able to enter in my own world.