Any way to earn easy bytecoins?

Note: Laris has already acquired his dream hair!

Dilemma: Laris needs bytes to get his dream hair

Materials I currently have: A rod I don’t use, a buncha gems, Nether scrolls, a buncha nether souls, and bad luck for world hunting.

Current balance of bytes: ~8,500

My goal: 11,000

If you have any suggestions for me to earn some bytes, reply down below!

Try mining, it’s a fast way to get gems and bytes by selling the keys and if you are lucky, you can even get the wyvern which cost a lot :wink:

But I don’t wanna invest in mining…unfortunately

Hmmm… what is the rod that you have ?

I think it’s a flawless rod. I don’t have any lures now though, and I’m not willing to sacrifice my bytes for lures

Then… nether or even deepnether… i know that the nether stones are in high demand.

I will provide you with lures best for you flawless rod. Ez profit for you :slight_smile:

I’m guessing there’s no such thing as easy way as everything would require work for you to earn them such as; Mining, Trading, Nethering, Fishing, etc. Therefore, you would really have to invest in them, but in exchange you would double, triple or quadruple your bytes.

Trading is good, just try to negotiate. If the seller refuses to negotiate, then wait for another item/world for sale.

Make a new account, get 800 gems from beginner quests and daily bonus, buy 50 bytecoins for 800 gems, repeat and give them to your main account, not sure if theres a rule about this but if you plan to do it you should probably check lol

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Scamming is the fastest way to get byte if u wanna get banned


You can’t trade accounts that are created less than 24hrs after the creation.

Oh really? Didn’t know that, though couldn’t you just continue with making other accounts until a day has passed?

Well you can, but you will have to set a password for each account and remember it.

But still… good luck to create dozens of accounts, complete the tutorial, do the basic quests and set a password.

You could make a same name for every account; a1, a2 etc, and same password, and it should take about 6 minutes to get 50 bytes, it could be a viable way to get bytes, though I haven’t tested lol

Well i tried once when i did like 25 accounts in a day (like just complete the tutorial) and trust me, it’s really exhauxting and repetitive…

Yeah and the account also needs to be atleast level 10 to be able to trade

Selling water, you can find it in any world so just break it in those worlds and plant the seeds.

Well than you can sell one soil for 50 bytes in PWE from your main account (;

Or… i could just give you 2500…
@LarisB if u are on rn i can just give u the bytes