Beat this game i made, get 1k(Beware its super hard)

If you can beat all the bosses in the game, send a screenshot and ill give you 1k(these ones are concept arts that are WIP(except for purple one)
(i am working hard to make it harder)

Not a lot of bytes but :man_shrugging:

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My ears with the music tho.
I get to the end boss over n over. But dude just 1 shots both fire/ice in legit 2 seconds

Waves his sword in a 360 n both just dead XD

Give you a clue, on “Surtr” just camp at the edges when hes about to attack

Hes extremely hard, but prepare for the boss after him

(Another clue, use the weapon dropped by the first boss on all of them)

Ill turn it off :wink:

There is a weapon dropped?

Yeah, if you wait a second after the boss dies and stand on the “trophy” you it tells you how to switch the weapon

Anyways, sorry but i just realized 2 bosses were spawning for some reason, its fixed now

bro, did you actually add all of those boss alr?

what if i go inside the project and do some stuff ; )

You won’t be able too, i made it so i can see whoever beat the game :wink:
i can also see it in order(Im obviously on there cuz i used admin commands)

Also before you ask, no you can’t just set the health to 0 because it would make a remix

damn it…desti is too big brain… time to move to plan b
find destis home and code that so i can beat it without doing alot

or i could do plan c and just try beat it xD

Good luck :+1:

Nobody completed the game yet?

Why does this sounds like a challenge for me?

Big Chungus is very vulnerable when he reaches his second form, he can only attack sideways, making it easy to just camp at mid and kill him.

Also, what the hell do you do after this?

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I kill the purple dude. And get told DO YOU COME TO GLOAT IVE BEEN BEATEN BEFORE! or what not. But the portal wont work. I cant go on

E on the ice

i havent finished the next stage XD

I don’t see your name here tho hmm

it could very easily not be working. You might want to test it on your alt.