Bring back WL trading (rant/suggestion #3)

It was one of the major factors that led to the downfall and nuke of this game.

PWE prices get manipulated by the second these days according to what I’ve seen. I honestly don’t see how worse the result could get from bringing WL/PL trading back.

To anyone who said otherwise when I first criticized the update… Your criticisms did not age well after all this time. To anyone who still thinks otherwise, you’re in denial.

To me. My lovely self. My criticisms against the removal aged like fine wine and cheese. The beautiful feeling being right is exquisite reserved for those who wait patiently. My heart eagerly yearns for more…

If you want to genuinely hear my true reason though… I just want to drop them again in giveaways. I honestly will come back and do more PL giveaways if someone at Kukouri brings the drop and trade feature for WL/PLs back.

If you want to hear my baseless conspiracies… It probably started off with good intentions. But whoever was the mastermind behind the update probably knew they were sabotaging the market.


See? I called this when they originally restricted WLs.

I just rewatched Jake’s video. Every negative thing he pointed out against WLs still exist with bytes and PWE.


It’s worse

The only good thing that still exists is that Jake mentions is that 1 measly free inventory slot that we don’t have to use for WLs anymore. What a bunch of clowns that they were.


this lie aged into sour spoiled milk… everyone got played for fools


Well apparently you know something that I don’t. Go ahead. Tell me that the market is fine as it is. We’ll see just how worse the market is in 2023… Assuming this game survives the ravages of time.

Ok so there’s that funny thing named prices
With woloks, there is no way to stop these prices from going up, because woloks are being added to the economy with no way of removing them, therefore, prices only go up, no dropping.

But with bytes, things can be balanced because there is many ways to remove them from the economy.

It also makes illegal trading much harder.

And bytes feel like an actual currency ngl.

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I don’t mind if WL is back to be dropable since It’s an easy way to giveaway stuff.
But yeah Byte has more benefits for me personally

since people are arguing over bytes and locks again why don’t we remove both currencies to get rid of the arguing? /j



Not good enough. Shut down the entire game. No people to play=no people complaining

I can’t wait to become an og in growtopia 2.0

no matter what currency, we always had a small deflation every summer and a big deflation every halloween without the need of removing anything from the game
also the inflation was going at a way SLOWER and SMALLER rate than the one conpared to byte coins nowadays
also it is way easier to fake price items with the pwe and make people believe it

and no, illegal traders are still making bank laughing as their paypal accounts get more and more filled with money from items mostly scammed or hacked