By each day I am getting more inactive

Welp , used to check the forums daily & respond to some of them , but I don’t find it fun anymore.
Playing Pixel Worlds is not fun anymore too.
Maybe for y’all , you still find it fun to play , but guess I don’t find it fun.

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Yeah same here man. I’ve also stopped playing the game because of how boring it got. Theres alot of things to do but they got old really fast. Fishing is just sitting there, waiting for a fish to either outrun you, or be tiny. Nether world its just pvp but everything has powers and to me its just not interesting. Secret base is pretty alright because its an event that gives you pretty decent stuff but other than that its gotten really boring. So with all that said

‘Ill never see YOU, in Pixel Worlds’

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Have you tried wiring? :smiley:

Hey man its nice to see you in the player base while it lasted goodbye man havea good one

speaking of fun risk of rain 2 is pretty fun you guys should buy the game


Well you can always take a break when that happens
I take breaks but always find myself coming back here

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Yes I agree, the game needs more stuff to do. It does get boring.

Speak of the devil… :joy:

“By each day I am getting more inactive”

Same lol

same dude, im about to quit but my best friend gonna sad so i have no choice of not playing the game, also forum getting boring and boring everytime when my first time in forum, i spend 2 hours having fun but now, its just, boring everyday. Also before card update i was very hype but jake already giving so many sneak peeks that makes me know everything in the update…

so… idk what i have to do i just inactive everytime

Taking a break once in a while is essential. :wink:

I will also take a break for a while, and I will come back later when I want to. : D


Its been a little bit over a year since i got bored of Pixel Worlds as a whole. The thing is, once you realise the point of the game and the point of your grinding in the game, you just completely change your view on the game. Ever since Spring 2020 i slowly started to play less and less of it. Sure, i had some motivation bursts to play it but they didnt last long. It got to the point when i just didnt login unless there was an update, in which case i checked it out but the motivation to play the game only lasted a few days. I finally quit the game and dont play it at all, only logging in on rare occasions.

The thing is, once you realise the point of the game and the point of your grinding in the game, you just completely change your view on the game.

I completely agree with this

I have already left the game yet here I am, addicted reading topics like what I used to be in reddit :joy:.

Anyways, I’ll miss you beta!

This didn’t age very well…


When you predict the future