Byte price is literally ruined

Zygora has 5m Bytecoins maybe thats the reason why the owner is rising the price.

i know i saw that vid

I have a theory or a logical thought that it dropped because bc is very simple to be obtained.

They have to since there’s no official currency to use if wls became untradable

Byte Coins is the official currency, always been.

  • I always liked Byte Coins the most.

First of all, I have barely liked World Locks as a Trade Currency. To be honest, why you you like to have lots of World Locks just to lock thousands of worlds? Do you even need that many worlds?
Because the only purpose I see for the World Locks is to fully lock an entire world.

When Byte Coins were introduced into the game, I knew they had potential to be the currency that we were going to use in the future to trade, and that’s how it was intended by the developers, adding a new currency to trade, maybe not to become the main, but another currency for trading.

Regarding to the byte coin pricing, I firmly believe that the price IS NOT being manipulated by the owners of Byte Trading Worlds. The players themselves are the ones that made the value of the byte coins to increase.


  • When the byte coins were introduced, the players BARELY gave attention to it, and they didn’t use the PWE quite much back then.

  • Times changes, people have now realized the potential that the PWE has, they have started to make more trades with it, and with this the byte coin price increase due to its demand.


Price always drops, its over heating just…

  • Price will start get up due WL price will rise if quests related giving WLs will be reduced.
  • WL has stabil item prices less changes than Bytes.
  • Items are in competition and most have allmost all what they dream off. some rare items aren’t so rare anymore.
    Increased Nether Soul amount from Nether will reduce Potion prices and makes available for everyone with small effort .
    Increased material drop rate for Potions and Flasks causes Flask prices reduces , Gems prices reduce makes available for everyone.

Question how to balance is pretty simple :

  • make new items what are more rare and wanted.
  • make WL Amount from quests way less tops 50 / day in total.
  • make quests related recycle items return to turn Bytes more often.
  • Balance material drop rate so not so over whelming.

These are like first options balance values.

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I agree World locks are pointless , but it’s lot easier to calculate ex. U want buy smth worth 1293wls and u gotta calc it to bytes -_-

When i started playing the game the bc rate was 500/1wl and when i saw the NPC price i was : excuse me what the

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They already are though. World locks aren’t the main currency of the game, they never were.

You will eventually just buy off of the Vendor instead of the players. I like the current price for bytes per world locks you can just make world locks easily.

But Bytes came to game (if I’m right) about 1-2 years ago, Soo before it main currency was world lock.

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My clan mate told he bought 15K Bytes from vendor already.

I don’t know, that’s a bad move.

Players will have to adapt so prices will all be adjusted to byte coins after time.

Just saw someone say in discord (maybe bw) that then prices will become more balanced since it’ll be harder for them to rise than the bc limit

That is only the case because in your mind, you think of “WL” as your dollar bills instead of Byte Coins.

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1293 is easier than remembering 325000 in my opinion

Platinum Byte Coins
But those numbers could also really show just how expensive they really are

hmm platinum byte coins is a nice idea combine bytes it should be 1000 or 10k into one tho not 100

Yes, problem would be that it would contradict this