Can you guys tell me and secrets or facts about pw?

Fun fact: we play pw

Fun fact: breaking bad crossover is required

Fun Fact: Minecraft is a more needed crossover.

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look it up on youtube. It is the craziest “song” you will ever listen to

Sad Fact: Scammers will scam new players.
Sad Fact: Scammers are everywhere.

Do you know One Piece Shoes description says that: “Return this to the Admin/Mods and you shall get a Prize” — I returned to xshanex but i got none :clown_face:

Edit: Commander_k gave me Long Blonde hair instead

Clover Block drop seeds and later on removed.

Fun fact: Barn Door has existed for a very long time in game and only one player owns one of them, but recently it appeared among the other doors in the PWE Terminal.

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Fun fact: if you press respawn you will die

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Pixel worlds was made in 2016
It was orginally called portal worlds but the fist even was Christmas
This is when the two famous items:
Frost sword
Frost cape

Were made, sadly frost cape vanished after 2016 and became unobtainable
It got a reskin called dark cape which is a blue print item which can be obtaiend at anytime.

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