Cars please

Why would your friend quit over a car? I would cry if the game would add Russian tanks :eyes:

(But for reals tho, is it necessary? Can you friend atlest imagine jetrace as car racing?)

i would prefer to have a Adlerzerstörerpanzer tank

Heyyyyy all tanks are equal :stuck_out_tongue:

And your thread isn’t even a thread but yet I’m trying to help you. This feature cannot be added just because 1 person wants it.

With those 125k bc he should have bought the hot rod jet before. Which is basically a car but can fly

Simple fix: Don’t fly in jet race.

Only Devs can decide to add this or no, i guess no,

Why don’t you ask him that let the devs decide?
And car racing is kinda bad tho, how it gonna move? And you should add the suggestion more, for example: “The car gonna move like something, and you can get something from it if you win first”
Not just a short text without more explanation about your suggestion

I know but my friend now playing he is not angry

i didnt think twice when i posted this and i know this idea was bad

Bruh, it’s been 11 months, what happened?
Also did your friend quit?

did you literally respond after 11 MONTHS???

Like what tellcode said, did your friend quit or no?

He already quited yes and this took again some time to answer