Dark Carbon Buff - Suggestion

Dark Stone.png
As you know these bad boys are hard to get, and for a fishing rod the same as a carbon superior rod? You wouldn’t buy it, right?
So, here I present to you :.

Dark Matter Fishes & Drops

  • They have a strange structure that if you sell them there are chances to get extra bytecoins
    or new miscs that can be used for new potions/items

  • Dark Carbon now can get other ingredients, other new rods (Hard chances, and only basics and posibbly also dark rods), dark matter fishes, or other items (You can suggest in the reply section as well :slight_smile: )

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Sounds like a good idea that could be applied to dark pickaxe too

Well, according to @Mysterious, the dark carbon fiber rod actually has an increased strike chance.

Personally, I don’t think that the cost of the dark carbon fiber rod in dark stones is worth it for the small upgrade.

That aside, the chance to catch a more valuable dark matter fish would be pretty cool, but I don’t think it’s necessary for the carbon fiber rod to be upgradeable, and the new ingredients would just be more inventory fillers.

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Don’t we already have the anglerfish in-game?


oh i forgot that :sweat_smile:

i last fished about half year ago

The Viperfish, possibly?

How about Terry, perhaps?


No! This is Terry abusing !