Deposit of Bcs in the PWE 👎

I believe that the amount of bcs required to place an item for sale on the PWE is abusive, but as if that were enough, on top of that they charge a fee for the value acquired for the sale, which is very high, This ia one abuse!!! I need the remotion of the PWE deposit tax.

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I don’t have an issue with it in principle …

Imo most who do just want the money for themselves which , in no other words is just greed

That said many hi value items aren’t actually sold on it because the tax percentage makes it a nonsense to do so

As such you can’t get the true value of said items…

PW keeping money if you withdraw your sale is not on

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Pwe has tax because that is the main source of byte coin reduction of the game, therefore it’s helping to prevent inflation.
If you want to sell your items without the tax you can do it by trading in trade worlds.

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If there was no tax, trust me lad, the inflation would be worse.


I personally would like a tax cap, were it not for the tax I wouldn’t need to spend a chunk of a dp just to sell a dp, but people will always say we need it since we’re all aware that there’s going to be a permanent content drought and we won’t ever get any other byte sinks

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