Dev didn't quit...?


I’m pretty sure it’s Dev’s items… like i never seen anybody except Dev using this kind of beard…


It’s maybe some impersonator that just used Dev’s items. Unless any of the items in that set are admin items.

I can tell it’s dev. It’s no impostor.

Maybe but have you already seen that kind of weapon other than in Dev hands…? It’s surely admin items.

After looking at it, it’s surely him… i mean…


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Then maybe he keeps playing the game for fun (not as an admin). Though why does he use his admin account and not an alt?

dev hasnt quit, hes joined my world a few times randomly just recently

Yes thats Dev. Its spelled quit btw, quit in past tense is still quit

Yeah Dev confirmed that he will be playing pixel worlds when someone asked about it our clan chat after the big news and he’s not using an alt account because he’s admin status has been removed since November.

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Here is an other proof that my english is not perfect :sweat_smile:

It’s not an admin account

Cool, so he doesn’t have the permissions. However as long as an account has admin-exclusive items, it’s an admin account.

Past simple of quit is quitted, but they still shouldn’t use quitted because it comes after did + subject.


oh so how about some of the “creators” like terry and songo, they have their own items, are they admins? no

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They quit developing PW, but not in playing with it.


My brother did a card battle with him

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Dev hasn’t quit, he will still play as a normal player. I hope to meet him in-game sometime. Dev, if you reading this…let’s hangout!

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So he quit in developing the game then


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…Yet he still is in CLASH, the ultra-elitist club.

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