Do we have good communication from the devs?

Jake has said that Support isn’t about replying. And everyone who contacts support should remember it.

And it severely pales in comparison to the amount of times they haven’t replied.
Check the amount of posts the developers have. You are purposrly exaggerating their actions beyond measure. You treat their rare occurences like gospel.

You forget the fact that they don’t addeess anything in suggestions or bugs, and many old bugs have yet to be addressed and fixed for months. The best we can get is, "we can’t replicate it so deal with it.

We deserve explanations for these issues because we’re essentially their customers. Treating the game like it’s some perfect end-all be all super game like you do, leads to lazy development and prideful developers.

And regarding the mining suggestion, it’s one out of hundreds of thousands of ignotrf suggestions. This has been spoonfed so hard during a time where they were running out of ideas, that they had no other choice. Congratulations, they finally made an update suggested by a member of the community, reused a few assets and made a new method of profit that they won’t build upon further.

That doesn’t automatically redeem them and make them the best developers ever, and doesn’t automatically excuse them of all their mis miscommunications, and as I stated before, methods of communication does not equate to good communication.
And just because they “claim” to have read everything, it doesn’t mean we have to take their word for it, because they don’t address it anyway.

You also danced around around half the points I made, but I’m sure someone else can point that out.

They don’t have to literally reply to every customer, if they do that then it’s 24/7 replying and 0 development for the game itself.

I could have missed something, so what did I miss or gone around?

ehm ima just do this since your ignoring me…

everyone vote here :smiley: as well because if you think the devs communication is alright then neos poll is kinda useless

rate how good the devs communication is
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

They don’t have to reply to paying customers?
Are these individuals just irrelevant to them then?

Are you really praising months of wait time to get an update that’s essentially reused assets? Yes, we get great things like jet races and mining, but there are far more content filled updates in shorter time, even from indie developers. We have a big team compared to that, and we don’t even know how many team members they actually have (red flag) and people keep using pw’s “small team” as an excuse, when they have opportunities to properly decrease their workload and listen to the community.

Have you ever seen a popular game developer replying to something? They don’t have time for that and it’s not their job to reply. They need to develop the game. That’s why community managers exist.

it’s a straightforward yes or no question, this poll is unnecessary.

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but im stuck in the middle i dont know what to pick

how can you be stuck in the middle, do you think your are listened to by the developers or not? if yes, press yes, if no, press no.

If you don’t know then it’s usually yes. They do spy on the community even when you don’t know that.

Thats why they exist?
We have a community manager who cherry picks questions from players who are new to the game, people who don’t pay attention to the deeper parts of the game, and can’t even make correct decisions.

Jake streams so he can always be exposed to the happy go lucky, blindly supportive part of the community all the time,(the part you seem to reside in, and even have the gall to claim that the devs have every right to ban you for literally no reason and take your items because it’s “their property”) to be the face of the community to bring players together in an otherwise chaotic and unforgiving game, and he avoids the part that gives constructive criticism that can make the game and community the best it can be.

Not only do they have community managers, they have people who help address all problems and confront people who have issues so they can forward it to the devs in a digestible manner, not to ditch them and expect them to just hope that support responds to them on the 5th try.
That is NOT how you manage a community or a help line. Imagine being a s*icide hotline but they only respond 12% of the time. Are you going to say they don’t have to respond? What is their excuse for making an MMO game when they should have taken the precautions so they know they didn’t bite off more they can chew?

If a community manager’s job is to relay all the communities qualms and issues in a digestible manner to the ones developing the game, Jake isn’t doing his job properly.
Popular game developers make it so that they don’t need to reply, because they have people who do it for them.

Did you know we have 3 or more art designers and not just Endless? 2 of which we have no contact with. They basically hide themselves from PW.
Man farmminer, you are really the personification of “I’ll take what I can get”.

No, it’s what I agreed to. Literally have you ever read the Terms of Service of PW?

I have seen Jake messaging to a developer during live streams to ask something or to fix something which the community has found. I have seen for a fact Jake doing his job properly.
Literally Jake is a proper community manager, that’s his job.

I think we are listened to sometimes but not listened to enough can you not understand that?

People have different personalities, simple as that.

I just love how you go out of your way to cherry pick these infrequent “instances” where he does something right, as a catalyst for invalidating the countless times they have done something wrong.

Also personalities aren’t an excuse especially in a community that lacks enough communication and has lack of mods as is.
Some of which are minors. Yeah some of our mods are minors. Good one devs.

While we do have abysmal communication to the devs, it is still alot better than Roblox where the community feels that the admins are held at gunpoint to only respond with strictly predetermined responses and nothing else.

Category Jake EndlesS Commander_K Dev
Streams Uncommonly* Never Never Never
In-game Rarely Good luck Good luck Rarely
Support Very rarely Very rarely Uncommonly Uncommonly
Forums Good luck Very rarely** Never Rarely
Discord Very rarely* Never Never Good luck

* – Loves to cherrypick questions
** – Never responds, only likes


I am sure that this is false. If you send an e-mail with their name in the title and write that you need a reply then you will get 100% a reply.

Well I guess Roblox is a multi million dollar company, and the staff has become prideful with their money, which led to it going down the wrong path like Growtopia. I just don’t want this game to go down those paths, and if it continues like this, it definitely will.

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Pretty sure they do reply to Forums’ direct messages if you write that you need a reply.