Do you guys think im toxic?

You help me to do a poll :slight_smile:

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When ill come back to home ill try in pc ur scratch games :wink:

Based on your activity these past few months, you seem childish at times. I am posting low-effort replies when they are not necessary, trolling most of the time. I apologize for being abstract. I am shooting this from what I recall.

Are you trying to start the stupid “am i toxic” thread trend again? I thought that this thread was an old one which some newbie bumped.

i dont really make games

what, it exist already?

Yeah, I remember at the time there was a trend like this.

since when, i never heard about it before

You can already search it using the forum search feature lol
Back at like December 2021


You have dementia now :pensive:

is that like memory loss or something
not gud at english

Bro did you actually get dementia…?

idk, i dont really remember what happen yesterday

I don’t too. But mehh life’s alright for me right now except the fact exam is in a week and I havw to learn a whole new language.

i just finished my math exam yesterday, IT WAS WAY TOO EASY

I finished my computer lab practical test thingamabob in 5 minutes because I type well and they type slower than snails.

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It was a trend.

Not even a good one

(That fight was lit doe)

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“Floppa” vs. “Bingus”?

i think floppa wins bc he is… uh… strong?