[FORUM GAME] - Guess someones networth above you!

5 mil

2 mil

wrong, it’s lower


im not that rich sadly :roll_eyes:

my net worth are over 120k

That is a really good guess. I actually have no clue what my net worth is, it’s really hard to calculate. It could definitely be around 5 million bytes.

at least a million stack of soil

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5 spirit scythes

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(Serxan) Probably like 6 million, he rich

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Ghustie has to be worth at least more than 7 WOTWs and 1.5 Mil, I’m guessing.
Also used to be worth of 1 Cave Block.

around 300K?

At least 5 million 20 characters

70 mil :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:
20 characters lol

Dkoi, you just crashed this thread with that reply :moyai:


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50k also you did funny number

298k bytes? Idk :man_shrugging:


(SubOliverJ) Idk, i know you have lots of items and sets
Probably around 300k-500k?