[Forum GAME] Guess the admin!

Jake <20 characters>

Stop trolling.
Is Jake no longer on the admin team?

ANSWER: MidnightWalker

Clue 3: (Very Easy)
:angry: :computer: :1234: :wrench:

Wrong! midnight walker still develops the game

You should do more research on admins dude, midnightwalker still works on pw. Check out his world midnightwalker and if you actually did research than jumping to conclusions.


? How is the clue even related to midnightwalker? He was literally in game yesterday.


working with numbers / changing numbers with a computer → data analysis
angry face → when the math is ugly

could also be Commander_K
changing numbers (e.g. drop rates) + doing stuff on a computer → game design
angry face → when the design doesn’t work / needs to get scrapped or changed (e.g. mining when it had a timer)

could also be Apoov
basically same reasons as Commander_K, as he also does game design

could also be Dev
angry at computer → fixing a bug
fixing some wrong numbers → fixing a bug

could also be MidnightWalker
basically same reasons as Dev, both are programmers and fix bugs
Laptop → client side → more likely to be MidnightWalker than Dev

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