FORUM GAME: Guess the Pixelian!

The name of the game is pretty self-explanatory. One person will post a picure of a pixelian’s set and they’ll have to guess their usernames. Whoever guesses it correctly would have to post another picture of a pixelian’s set for others to guess.


  • Try to guess the pixelian only on the previously posted image.

  • Don’t post another picture if the previous picture hasn’t been answered yet .

  • If you’re unsure of your answer, don’t post a set right away, wait for the previous winner to confirm it first before you proceed.

  • Don’t make up sets or post someone that’s unknown. The set should be well-known or familiar by the community.

Have fun!

I’ll start:

This one should be easy.

what pixelian username?
forum or ingame
it will be imp0ssibl3
if it was ingame…

Yes, in-game.


^ So it shouldn’t be impossible.

U may know this guy;)

Some items may be wrong

Please don’t post right away if you haven’t guessed the previous set. Though, I think you might have missed mine and didn’t see it. Going to answer yours so people won’t get confused on which one to answer, I’m pretty sure that’s Neoslayer.

Guess this one:

TheBlueNinjaBoy, Jayie, Jayson, Ninja? i dont even know lol. its hard

Lokalapsi is it? I might be wrong though, she might wear another color of ninja suit.


Yup, you’re right, it’s Lokalapsi.

You can post now to keep the game going.

I’ve already answered yours… you didn’t have to delete and repost it- it’s Neoslayer like I’ve said before. :sweat_smile:

Oh u did? I’m such a dumb lmao

This is probably Neoslayer

Anyone want to post a set?

U probably know him.

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I’m completely guessing and not sure, but is it Earth PW?


this guy is 80% easy
he got hacked yesterday

i crying when he got hacked…


(20 characters).

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That’s Neo :o (20 characters)

it should be lokalaps- Oh… the winner already knew it ._. xD

Or this

Hint: She’s known for being one of the best PW artists on instagram and one of the beta players in-game.

(Might have missed a few details or used the wrong items but some of you would probably know who she is)

i give up…
i alr search instagarm for 50 minutes