[Forum game]

Power: I can choose my own side effect

Ok, but you can alter space and time as you wish.

the power to commit genocide and manipulate

weakness; none

You are stranded in the middle of the ocean

Just invite me for sashimi pls :wink:

yes king :fish: :fish: :fish:


Hows the ban evasion :rofl::joy::joy:

ty freak for listening to my pms but he made a second account
edit; 4th

waaaaa :sob: exo make alt account :sob:


so you dont want to argue? :slightly_smiling_face:

Power: Power to change the odds. Like what are the odds of me winning, what are the odds of me having YOUR powers, what are the odds of me being the strongest of them all. Example: What are the odds of me being immortal? 100%

What are the odds of me getting cured and not getting any more cancer from this side effect? 100%

Power: disband someone else’s power

Previous Power: can’t get any side effects from anyone forever

Previous Side effect: Desti has the high ground

Power: resetting the universe, changing one’s personality after resetting making the user above thinking another side effect

Your vision permanently shows you @Commanderder joke block.

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Dude my power can counter that lol

But you die every time you do that

it’s Made in Heaven power tho, forgot it accelerates time that it resets everything