Forum suggestion: Circlejerk forum

More and more people keep posting circlejerk threads in #general, and I’d kinda like to see them separated, each in their own forum. Probably it would be a subforum, such as #general:pw-circlejerk or something.


Circlejerking is not trolling…
This is an example circlejerk thread:


The only way to fix forum is to post quality thread and keep away from posting random unnecessary stuffs ( I mean You can still post it but just make it less).
From what I’ve seen, most peoples keep complaining about how forum is moderated but they still posting random thread and didn’t follow the rules. There were also peoples who have told them to follow the rules but you know what happens after they do that


I was just about to mention this . I made a thread about becoming a mod and like 5 people followed suit…

Someone makes a thread about “forum game” and 6 more people do it.

How comes when one person does something, it always needs to become a trend?


Said the one that spams threads. I get attacked for posting one circlejerk thread.
General is general right? It is still related but maybe circlejerk threads should belong to pixel pub.

Did i broke any rules? I don’t think so
Are circlejerk common? Yes
Why did i posted a circlejerk thread? Impulse


Ignore those definitions, I mean the Reddit version of circlejerk - see subreddits like r/tomorrow.

That’s an official definition, read the urban dictionary version

Could we please think of a better term?

A joke is not a cirlcejerk thread though.

The definition is a bunch of people congratulating each other for their shared interest.

Sort of like obama awarding obama a medal meme.

Compare the subreddits r/vexillology and r/vexillologycirclejerk then. Compare r/NintendoSwitch and r/tomorrow.

I meant the Reddit definition when I said “circlejerk”.

I don’t see how these are circlejerks :confused: