Forum Visual Improvement

I know that the forum has just been released within 24 hours. I was super excited to see this coming back as I am more of a forum guy than Discord. The navigation, though, is a bit clunky as for now. The category is small and only located at the top left corner. I actually prefer the more traditional way where we are greeted with multiple categories and sub categories that we can pick instead of a small pop down window. What do you guys think?


I kind of agree with this. I’m used to “traditional forums” and this looks more like a chat app to me. Not sure if it can be helped, though: This is probably how Discourse is. Took me a while to even realize there are subcategories.


I love how it is so far, only problem I have personally is the lag. It seems to be loading in pretty slowly no matter what device we connect onto the website via. Tried my PC, tried my phone. WiFi is great, still navigates around pretty slow.

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I agree, in my opinion the Categories view should be the entry page of the forums.
Would also be nice to have some sort of images/icons for each of the categories on the list to make them stand out more. Perhaps we have time to look into this at some point.


@Append Hello there, I can give you a small tutorial on how to set the categories page as the default home page:
First, go to your preferences page by clicking on your profile picture, clicking on the person icon and pressing “Preferences”:

Next, press on Interface, scroll down to “Default Home Page” and click on “Categories”:

After doing this, make sure to press “Save Changes” and after returning to the main page, you’ll be met with the categories.
Hope this is helpful!


There are lots of plugins that can improve discourse

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Hey there,
Discourse has a setting for the “default landing page”.
So, if you set it to “Categories”:
then it will default to this:

Which is the “traditional forum” landing page.

As @Kaluub has mentioned, it’s a clientside setting also, but can also be set as a default setting, serverside.

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Cool! Thanks a lot. It’s actually fine now.


It is, indeedily doo.