Friendly reminder about your social security number

This thread is meant as a friendly reminder that you only have ONE social security number.

Unlike phone numbers, emails, addresses, credit card numbers, etc, when your SSN gets compromised, you just CANNOT get a new one issued.

That’s why I advise you - absolutely do NOT INPUT IT to ANY PLACE on the internet, regardless of how “safe and secure” it seems. Every single site on the internet can have a data breach sooner or later, which would also include your SSN.

If your SSN gets breached, many scammers can easily access it. Then they can use it for various activities, ranging from sending it to you via email to creating an entire fake identity.

So, inputting it to Amazon just to get your account unrestricted is honestly the dumbest thing you can do with your SSN.

Keep your SSN safe. Only write it on an official document issued by the government, as the government and you are the only 2 entities which should know your SSN.

Okay, maybe the thread is a little bit spammy, however I absolutely do not understand how some of you, @Luke, can just input it to a website that asks for it.

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i don’t have a social security number and can’t really see why some countries use them.

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i think i dont have one either

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I’m pretty sure that your country also has an equivalent to them. Where do you live, if you don’t mind telling me, so I can check?

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My current place of residence is Darwin City, NT, 0800, Australia

Clearly stated that a tax file number cannot be used for identification. Very different thing. My USI (unique student identifier) could give more information than my tax file number. lol

Well, you live in a country where your SSN equivalent isn’t sensitive. Not every country has it like that; mine lets you do a truckload more things.

In certain cases Amazon will require your social security number. If you want to get paid for streaming on Twitch once you’re an affiliate then they need your social security number to allow them to pay you. It’s essentially like applying for a job, and in this case, if they didn’t have your social security number then you wouldn’t be filing taxes on payments recieved by Twitch, which would be illegal.

Amazon are also pretty quick to let you know when the security of your account has been compromised, and if you’re protecting your account with all of the recourses that are provided and available to you, then you shouldn’t have to worry about your account being breached.

Realistically it won’t be possible to go your entire life without disclosing your social security number to a company that legally requires it at some point, whether that’s by enetering it online or providing it another way. Saying that the government and you are the only entities that should know your social security number is completely false.

This is just their legal excuse to do this crap. And when they have a data breach, what do you do when your SSN gets leaked? Nothing, you just watch how scammers make a fake identity off you and ruin your life.

That isn’t an excuse, it’s a genuine legal requirement. Not filing taxes is illegal.

Also, it is possible to get your social security number changed, it’s just an incredibly lengthy and unrealistic process for most people.

No, here it’s impossible to get your SSN equivalent changed.

Then as you’ve said, make sure to protect it. You most likely won’t be able to go through your life without needing to provide it to someone that isn’t the government though.

protect it

Inputting it to a website isn’t protecting it.

imagine having an ssn


Obviously don’t go inputting it into random websites but there are websites where it’s necessary, such as the case with Twitch affiliate payments.

You honestly seem like a paid shill at this point.

Even the hygiene (they called my mom due to quarantine) accepted the fact that telling your SSN over the phone is unsafe.

What? I’m not telling you to share your SSN to anyone on the phone, I’m literally just saying that it’s necessary for Twitch affiliate payments, otherwise you and Amazon would be breaking the law.

(Sidenote, I could also say the exact same thing about your Nintendo threads)

What are you gonna do? Cry like a little baby?

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