Giving away sweetheart sword?

i went to check sweetheart sword price and saw it droppin hardly, so i went to ask about it and they mentioned that jake did giveaway couples of them, is that true? and if so, what do you think about giving away limited items? my personal opinion i think this shouldnt be done cause this can ruin the economy, hopefully u understand how bad this is and forget about how profitable it is for the winner, peace :v:


Kinda true , but honestly it’s Jake’s choice. He will giveaway more sweetheart swords I think.
Kinda sad that I missed most of them.


Jake said that it doesn’t ruin the economy when it was from a player and not spawned in.


Yep people either didn’t know that and only heard the gave away sweetheart swords part or people are taking advantage if it


He’s going to giveaway more I guess…


From what I know, there were about 100, so if Jake chooses to give them all away then you have a decent chance at grabbing one.


I’m fine with them giving away limited items, especially for players that have long wanted said items but had a hard time ever finding or affording one.
However most people would likely just sell them for a quick buck, which in my opinion, is poop zone.

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but if im correct, the player he got them from was a hoarder, so doesn’t that technically make it un-hoarded, making them drop? Pretty much the case when someone stops hoarding an item.

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it shouldn’t harm the economy, since there is the same amount of sweetheart swords in the game. He took them from a banned player and started giving them away.

I think because its jake/ an admin who is giving it away, it makes people think that he is just spawning them in.

since the item was hoarded, the sword’s price is just going back to what its supposed to be at it’s un-hoarded price.


Jake said to that it will rise back after some time

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