Help! Help plz!

Haha you fool! You must be clickbaited by the title of this thread didn’t you?
I’ve calculate with my donut mind that theres 99.9% chance you clicked this because you are curious about my problem!
You must face the consequences!
You need to help me decide.
So I sell scorcher wings now and mine or wait another year?

I dont accept criticism so dont feel free being mad.
-your mad cuz your bad


Do you not like to lose bytes? Don’t sell it
Or if you’re basically sick of the wings and aren’t interested in it anymore too much just sell it like I did lol

bbut… Its going to rise anytime soon doesn’t it?

Maybe, it rose from 85k to 100k right? I’m basically just too sick of the wings to keep track of it’s price lol

Owh i see… (20 character)

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its ur item