Help in world name worth

Is “salaries” a rare name world? And if it is how much do you think it is worth?

Well if you design it, it could be worth some but as for me it doesn’t seem much as “salaries” isn’t tied to the game or a “popular” world.
Basically what I mean is not many people will automatically come thus dropping its price to the absolute.

Your question is just too vague…

I agree with other on name it’s both long and not really unique to the game nor even gaming!

As such it’s what the world offers …

I tried to buy a really long and obscure name world a few days ago (a non English language name that had been altered as well) i got rejected at 21k he wanted 26k

It had a lot of valuables in it … Ex quantum safes…

It has now sold …

The same items in a catchy 3 letter world would have it at lot more. 3 maybe 4 times as much

I would pay 11k

(20 charectsssss)