Hey PW artists read this 😊

Hey so I made a new little sona and I need art for the critter
I’ve heard from several people that paying for art with bc is illegal so I’m willing to “tip” you with some bytecoins afterward :relaxed:

Message me or write here if you’re interested ok :pray:


Thats like saying it is illegal to read a book but you are willing to read 1 page ._.


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But hosting art competitions for bytecoins is fine?
Think of this as an art competition where everyone wins! :open_mouth:

Everyone wins ok
where money

Yeah umm that isn’t my new sona :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
No bytecoins for you

but it’s not

If it is a competition then it is allowed (but not everyone should win). You can also do a giveaway where if someone makes a drawing of your furry, they can enter the giveaway

I know that a lot of people’s self confidence could be crushed if I don’t choose them as the winner though lol
But yeah, ig a competition would be better

If you dont wanna crush one’s self confidence, then hosting a giveaway would be better. If you got plenty of bytes, then you can just give an amount each to the people who enter. The only way people would enter is to submit a GOOD artwork of your furry.

If you’re gonna reward someone for their Art Service, i see no problem at all.

yea i made a new thread

Trading byte coins or items for service outside the game is illegal.