Hidden In-Game Mechancis

I always ponder about secret mechanics in Pixel Worlds, like for example Elemental Resistance and Damage, what does it really do? Does it increase your damage? Or maybe it does so depending on what your fighting, perhaps fire is weak against water, or the opposite? And perhaps for defence too? Is Fire Resistance good or bad for the Nether? The thing is I really don’t know. And there are a lot of these hidden mechanics in the game. Like for example how much does armor increase your defense by percentage, and how much damage does a sword do? The Abyss Sword does 110 damage, does that mean it does 110 damage a hit? So how much damage does a fist do, and does it mean players have about 1000 health points? All of these are item stats related, but it applies to pretty much everything. What is a chance for a block to drop itself? And what is the chance for a seed to drop? Do these increase if they’re farmables, or just the seeds? And does a shovel or other weapons, decrease the breaking length of a block? Does Earth damage increase the chance for seeds to drop? Same applies to nether, what’s the chance for a boss to spawn? How much health and damage does it have? Does it have special effects? And what are the chances to get the Nether Shard, which all of these also apply to secretbase aswell. And what is the chance to get a legendary item in the boosters? And what about seed packs? Well you get the idea, there’s a lot of these that are really just unknown (or maybe I just don’t know the answers). The thing about Pixel Worlds is that it’s a small game with a small community, it’s not that small now but it’s nothing compared to big seller games that have a massive community who fills every little spot with stats and percentages. No offense to the wiki editors but I feel as though the wiki is lacking, being filled with only descriptions of blocks, so maybe we as a community can try to answer some of these, I think it would be pretty cool to know and pick the best set for a spesific task, like the best gear for the nether boss or just for pvp.

Wiki used to have the percentages of everything including fishing gear but they removed it cause they made it a policy for all the info to only be obtained legally and not through game files

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Damn that sucks, so how come other games have them in their wikis? Do they ignore the policy or does the company allow it?

They’re bigger games so they just allow it cause the whole fanbase basically knows

All i know is that EPWRs have a damage boost.

I believe you can go back to the different versions of the same wiki page and see said deleted information

Elemental Damages is used to penetrate its elemental by targeting the enemy without the resistance for it

If it has the right resistance then it will block bye the amount of damage the value resistance’s has

Now i don’t know if the basic armor (Shield Icon) will just block everything or do the same thing for elementals

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That’s pretty interesting! I’ve noticed all heldable items have a 100 damage stat so I suspect that’s the deafult damage value for fists. So maybe if you have a 110 damage sword and I have a 10 defense helmet you deal 100 damage each hit.

There are 2 weapons that deal 50 damage too! The broom and rainbow duster. Usually most weapons have minimum 100 damage.

Oh that’s pretty interesting, do they deal more than fists do? Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll check it out.

Fists do 100 damage, so the broom and duster deal less

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If you use it for nether, you pretty much going to deal 1 Damage every hit because of most monsters having over 50 base defense

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I forgot that they added the plunger too

Perks effect on dmg, armor and on health, special gears like EPWR have effect on dmg and dmg taking.
Some weapons dmges are marked wrong. - Cyber sword
Armor on monsters have different than players.
Some dmg types pass throught monsters armors as well even boost dmg.
Players armors have different system all different dmges will have reduction with armor.
While ressists boost. Dev should light some dmg calculation system from PW.

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it is also possible to deal 0 damage if the opponent has enough armor

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