How many Dark pixies, Dracula capes, cthulthu wings left in game?

Hello guys! I got an little question How many these items that i already named above left in game? What do u think?
My Channel:

I’m guessing 15 drac 40 dp 25 cthulhu

Bruh why dp more expensive If there’s not that much cthulthu’s??

It’s just more special

Im actually surprised of lack of cthulthu’s there Are i thought about maybe 60-80

no not 80 but maybe like 35 cthulhus idk maybe i calc wrong

Many (20chars)


For questions like this, only a developer can detect and check how many wings are still present to this day (still playing till’ today).

Are they really that many?
In the old forums it was said that around 13 dps were known to be owned by players…
Not really sure though

I dunno where I saw someone talking about it , but he said there was some dude that had many dark pixies and he got banned 10 years. He owned around 20 dark pixies or more from what I’ve heard.

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hmm well ive seen at least 15 players with dp im just estimating its definetly 30 id say

idk if thats true its a bit crazy he was probably lying …

If u mean janski1 then yes, he had about 20 dp 10 Dracula capes and all his stuff
Worth 500,000 world locks… But he got banned for 10 years for selling non-game items.

this is what he had clips taken from wokuns vid

only 2 dps and 6 dracs a few cthulhus tho

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U cant say is it whole stuff he had.

Hmmm yes that true but if he had 20 dps he probs would have shown them also 20 Dps is crazy I don’t think he would have had that much