[poll type=regular results=on_vote chartType=bar]
- A couple of minutes
- 1-2 hours
- 3-5 hours
- 6-8 hours
- 9-12 hours
- I don’t play everyday
0 voters
Also what do you do while playing PW?
[poll type=regular results=on_vote chartType=bar]
0 voters
Also what do you do while playing PW?
Hangout with friends, farm to get my xp up in my clan, try to sell his items
3-5 hours usually. If its a booster update or game has been getting boring then maybe 1-2 hours.
I used to play for like 10 minutes a day average. But now that I bought a fishing rod and gear, I fish in the background when I am doing school work and I am on for about 2 1/2 hours.
Like an hour a week unless there’s an event or I’m doing something in game.
usually plays for 6hrs max, and has to rest my eyes for 10mins per hr.
and 24hrs in the forums.
I probably play like 2 hours
it depends on if there is somethin special, as an example at bt 2020 i had like3 and a half hours now im at like 1hour+
Like, 5 minutes
The game doesn’t really appeal to me right now
It depends on the year’s season for me.
Lately, I have decreased the hours spent on Pixel Worlds, due to other in real life priorities, such as Academic Studies or to spend more time with Friends and Familiars.
2017 : 2-4 hours
2018 : 3-6 hours
2019 : 10 hours
2020 : 14 hours (quarantined)
2021 : 1 hours
rn I am playing just for the anniversary event since all of the 3 years I missed them.
i usually just check if something interesting going on if there isnt, i do something else instead.