I need help!

Like you got it; it’s available to you

They still haven’t replied to my email yet, so I need some time, this isn’t a big deal actually but I’m less comfortable if my email can’t be recovered if there’s a problem.

Ah <didn’t do do faa a G h ffribcd>

:person_gesturing_ok:Must be a joke or a mistake, what do you mean by replying to me like that HAHAHAHHA

Doing the 20 characters

Well the account belongs to me, and I can login but can’t recover my email

Ohh I am very understood the assignment bro it’s a forum what can I say must have 20 characters🤦

Yes (968842808 so so I too I too I do to do) on phone, just use recommend words

More like random words XD🤦

The character limit is here for a good reason. It’s to avoid spam replies and i won’t appreciate if you (or anyone else) start to abuse and bypass that limit.

I understand, I’m impressed with your responsibility as a forum moderator. Thank you for explaining that, yes I hate spammers too.

How would it prove anything?

A hacker could just buy something and then change the email?

They could see who purchased first I think

idk is that even possible

Why is this flagged.

Because he’s off topic

O oki thanks

Nah it’s probably mostly because of it just being a single arabic letter or something
(I don’t get why it was flagged when jokes relating to the 20 character limit where literally everyone bypassed it never got flagged though)
I’m torn between it deserving the flag and not

He sounds so sure I think it was him who flagged it.