I'll Draw Your Set (Again)

I feel like i’m missing out on something, i’m gonna have to pick my fav set for this soon…

I think the last time I sent my set the entire “I’ll draw your set” thread was cancelled lol

Unless your character is this I won’t cancel the thread



Looks cute, gotta say.

Aaaaah thank you alot
I loved it :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

I made some edits :upside_down_face:
I am an artist but I don’t have imagination :joy:

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If you have Instagram can u send your account to me :grin:
Mine is in my bio
You can see my drawings
Also what program do you use?

BTW your drawings look like Acorns playz if you know her

That feels better to be honest
(Just draw whatever)

Also I can’t really see Acorn’s account but I remember my style being way different than hers

Sketchpad - Draw, Create, Share! (Not recommended)

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What about that question :upside_down_face:

Animated gif Discord

(File limit was 4 mb)


Screenshot 2021-11-17 181131
this thing still on my files for some reason

Nether tail?
plasma jp
that halloween item
spec visor
helmet from jetrace
random shiel
dark ifrit tails if im not wrong
superhero armor, forgot what it called

i dont want to check the game, because im not playing it forever

Your actual set consists of:

  1. Black Spiky Helmet.
  2. Spectrum Visor.
  3. Nose Huggah.
  4. Bubble pipe.
  5. Nose Huggah.
  6. Tridentist Shirt.
  7. Red Ninja Gloves.
  8. Beach Umbrella.
  9. Paladins shield.
  10. Nether Tail.
  11. Dark Ifrit Tail.
  12. Plasma JetPack
  13. Soilie.

You forgot the bubble pipe and couldn’t name almost all of em’. Thank me later :wink:

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i forgot most of them lol, thanks tho

i thought it was tridentist shirt
just checked wiki, it is tridentist not mystery dude, right?

Yep, it’s tridentist shirt ont mystery dude.

Bzzzzz… It is tridentist shirt not mystery dude. Woops.

If you want to draw it PLS DO NYAN CAT PET close to me

