Ingame Login Screen maximum password length shorter than on Reset Password Screen/Website

The title already says it. Today I was resetting my password to a more secure one. I went through the usual process of getting an email sent to me with a link to a website where I was able to reset my password. When I entered my new password (it was over 100 characters long) into the website. It did say “Success” & something along the lines of “new password set”. When I then tried to log back in ingame, I noticed that the password was considered as incorrect. When I then counted the asterisks on the ingame login screen, the problem became apparent to me: The ingame screen only allows you to type in a maximum of 65 characters (if I didn’t make a mistake when counting), so I wasn’t able to log back in.
Luckily I was just able to reset my password again and choose one below 65 characters.

This should be fixed by either decreasing the maximum amount of characters on the password reset site or preferably increasing the maximum amount of characters on the password field ingame.
It should be fixed, since it could be very confusing for someone who doesn’t notice the bug and might now think they themselves made some mistake and possibly locked themselves out of their account.

By the way: Please allow for more characters like advanced ASCII ones so people can create more secure passwords.

That’s an additional security measure. Noone can get into your account if you can’t do it yourself. :sunglasses: