Isn't this weird?

There are players from 2016 that aren’t noted , I mean , most 2016 players are known , but what about the ones that aren’t ?
I mean , it’s just weird to play this game for 4 years and never getting noticed as a veteran.
I am curious about the people in 2016 since some did get well known & others never.
If you feel like you are playing from the early pw days , 2016 , and never got noticed , tell us your story :slight_smile:


Some of people don’t care about fame, they just enjoy game.


lol unusanus profile picture

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I merely play the game to enjoy it as best as I can. Getting recognized is not my priority.

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Some people just enjoy flying under the radar, and sometimes, I don’t blame them.


I started playing in 2016, but I never really cared about fame or richness. I made a YouTube channel in 2017 just for fun and never got much subs. Some people who I met in 2016 now don’t talk to me, because they’re fame…


I’ve been here since the beginning, and one thing I learned is that playing the game while staying low-key is way more enjoyable than having too much attention around you.


How the hell do I check when I got the game on play store

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No idea if you can actually check that

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false as hell

cant you just check your account age or sm

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ooo mat is that really you

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100% agree with that, I dont care if I become popular but aslong as I make peoples days happy then it makes me enjoy the game even more


no 10 chars transparent

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Well i have quit like 3 times and never played very seriously i always just ran around in my own world. Right now i am playing on my 737 days old account but i do have an another account that is 1425 days old. (2020-12-22) But i haven’t even tried to become well known. I now play on the 737 day account because that is the account that has the name Nerpah. My other account is named Snugly and i use it very rarely. :v:t6: -Nerpah

Being famous is both a blessing and a curse.
If you would be famous for something respectful, then good for you.
But if you’re famous, then got caught doing something… dirty. Jokes on you, everyone will bully and disrespect you from now on.

This is why I prefer flying under the radar…

I just don’t like being seen lol, I prefer being off grid I suppose, mainly why I have my location and status off. Just play the game and enjoy it. I do make videos but purely for fun and to develop video editing skills.