Item prices make no sense anymore

I remember buing Scorhcer Wings for 110 000 byte coins back when deflation was a problem, now they are 810 000 bytes. It is absolutely insane how much prices have risen.

I bought these for 5k in byte shop and I swear only couple weeks ago they were 15k and now they are around 40k. EPIC PICKAXE USED TO BE 30k BYTES! for comparison.

Inflation is seriously going out of hand and something needs to be done. Can someone explain me why some prices are rising at absolutely insane rate but others …aren’t? Here’s an example:

Both of these are vip prices, why is the newer one so much more expensive?

I feel like PW economy is at very unstable currenlty and it is very harmful for the community and somethings needs to be done about it.

there is only one explanation:
pw economy is based on turkeys economy.

I’m living in Turkey and it is worse than pw trust me :weary:


yo i live in turkey too. everything is getting out of hand xd. but our president must buy tea.

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That’s my sale, btw.

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PW Economy go brrrrr

That’s funny pixel economy game for you

I agree, i saw an admin in a cart world drop a Legendary soil block to his mate

Now I’ve always wanted one , darn I’ve broken enough blocks !

Anyway I was looking at buying one say a month ago the prices now are 4 to 5 times as much.

Same goes for that Spectrum
gun risen from 25k a few months ago to now 60k

I only today bought a second Punk Baseball Bat I’m convinced it’s price is going to rocket. i want 2, so nfs

You do understand if someone is going to buy the punk baseball bat with such sky rocketed price is actually duped ones, if they fix it it’s not going to increase that much, if they don’t fix it, the price is gonna increase because of inflation, and you are volunteering to have those duped bytes.

PW economy is ascending to space faster than a rocket.