you can share items ingame! (but not locks only consumables like healing potion,etc)
hold the item in inventory there is share button where you can share active players in your friend list.
you can get shared item if you want to know what you got from other players you can just press menu > profile > sharing button
you can claim the item you got from your friends!
only consumables and blocks,props,weapon
for weapon only rare and ultra rares not allowed for legendary cause its too big lol
I will give my opinion first before 1nb4, because i know for sure he’s against this.
A gifting maybe?
I somehow wanted to share my items to my friends safely.
Here’s my idea to make your suggestion better:
only weapon and clothings should be shared
(If your going to share blocks then won’t it be decreasing because the players you shared will use them and you will lose all of them for good. Consumable however, if you shared it to them then they’ll use it and you won’t get the items back (ex. Healing potion used, it’s illogical to see someone sharing an item. using the item -> still recievedthe item even if it’s used? It can lead to duplication.)) -
(The shared item will be untradable. meaning it won’t be dropped and can’t be traded and trashed to prevent scams.)
(A Canel-Share button should exists so that you can get it anytime you want.)
(Only your friends is allowed to have this “share-button” because we don’t share items to strangers we don’t even know)
I like the suggestion in my opinion, keep up the good work!
A gifting method is also good. useful if it’s Christmas. always wanted to surpise my friends.
What’s the point of gifting when you can just give it to them in trade or drop it to them or donate to their dboxes
just give something without donation box,drop,trade just give it to their profile to see what he got
Imagine if you can wrap the items for Christmas, but sure.
ok this one great idea