Lolly or Spreadfire Solved

Okay basically I want to make a jet with 50 Golden gears so my choices are Lolly or Spreadfire. I am not sure which one I am going to make so help me decide which one should I make. Please reply saying Lolly or Spreadfire and provide a reason why should I make that one. I really can’t decide.

Edit: Okay I gone for Spreadfire because Lolly could have negative meaning behind it’s name and more people prefer Spreadfire’s looks even though it’s cheaper.image

When I asked this in the PW official Discord server 2 people said Lolly, one reason being it looks cool and other being that it’s name is similar to loli. So currently I am leaning towards getting Lolly.

Every jet has equal stats, so it’s up to preference.

That’s not exactly a good thing

Lolly is more expensive I believe, I assume you are going to sell it since it’s a smart idea. But if not then it’s your own choice but I like Lolly more.

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Kind of yeah, I am not a huge fan of anime.

I don’t think you know what it means
Best you don’t though.

I think of “Lolly” in the plane as sort of like lollipops

Idk first thing what came up when I googled was anime, no lollipops.

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Spreadfire is cooler in my opinion but Lolly has a better value cause people barely choose it. So if you want for urself take the Spread.


By far, Speadfire looks a lot better than Lolly at least for me visually.

I prefer the spreadfire but at the end of the day it’s your choice

I choose the spread fire as i find the lolly ugly. up to you

Between those two, I would keep the Spreadfire, but the decision is up to you.

don’t google it ever again.

anyway, i personally would get spreadfire as there is too much yellow on the lolly for me.

Well hey if yall want something to Google OH do I have some things for you


Chunky milk

Example 2

Milk first cereal last

My friend bought a lolly jet for 105 and its suppperrr hts i spend like 2-3 hours trying to sell my friend items and finally i sold it for red saber so i think lolly isnt the best choice