Looking for someone who would do my lvl2 mining keys

!!NOT EVERYTHING IS ACCURATE!! Im too lazy to edit it

I have 90 lvl 2 mine keys i would be willing to give it to anyone who does them for me. You can keep everything except the nuggets, so that means if you do all of them you get around 190k ish gems for free. (if you win the wyvern from the wheel its mine but I will give you some funny items for it lol :sunglasses:)

I can provite a top tier mining set if you pay me the price (so around 8 ish PLs)
I can also provide 3 repair kits for free.
If you seem sketchy you will have to give me the price of the bronze keys until you finish them lol (im sorry but you cant trust most people in pw lol)

If i dont respond here msg me on insta or discord
Era (Light)#7077

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I’m interested, but I have a few questions

  1. If I don’t have pure wls to give you, do you accept an offer?
  2. What is the time limit?
  3. Can I change my mind? Let’s say I do 40 mines but I don’t want to continue, is that ok?
  4. How much do I need to finish the mine? How many pebbles do I need to get in the mine?
  1. im fine with items or even bytes
  2. finish them 1 week before st patricks
  3. yea you can give it back to me if you dont wanna do it anymore

Ok, I can do it then. I edited and added another question, can you answer that one too?

I want to finish with around 50 silver keys so like full clear them if you can

Oh, full clear? That is going to take quite long. I can do 20-30 keys if full clear.

Question. Does the person give you the 8 pl to prevent scam? And when it’s all complete do you and the player trade all the mining gear back. And the pl?

Also I’d be down to do this because I am in need of XP in my clan.

Yea i will give back the 8 pls afteryou give me the mining set and the nuggets

Where should we might. I’d love to help you mine all the keys

come to furriesclan 20

Ooooo mama i need someone to do my keys again so yea lol

Level 2 again?

oooooooooo me

I’d do it