Looking for test subject for experiments (Apply now! Or else... I am joking. Or am I?)

Do you need an easy way to make money?
Well, now you can make 1 bc every week by becoming a lab rat, a test subject or smth like that.
Some of the disadvantages of the job are: you might die or get injured.
I don’t want a test subject to scam him. You aren’t promised anything more than 1 bc and you can always ask to check anything that might seem off to you in our work environment.
Apply now! Like… now. Why have you not applied yet?

I hope this doesn’t seem like a scam attempt. It’s rly not.

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Minimum wage in Ohio.


If you mean a bitcoin, I’m in

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1 bytecoin.
That’s your salary.

You can start earning 5 bc per week if you get a raise.
To get a raise you have to take part in 1 experiment.

Imagine he just makes you play SCP CB with those neural scanner things :skull:

I have a lot of experiments to do related to all kinds of things. Would you like to participate in 1 with a rift portal? (Not the one in ADE)