Meme Contest Submissions #pwmemes

He announced the winners or are you joking?

Well, thank you for giving me false hopes. I won nothing.



So I didn’t win at all? I wasn’t watching the stream.

I watched most of the stream and winners i heard were Billyproyt and God_of_pandas.
but also some honorable mentions too.

What were the honorable mentions?

I’m sure that one of them was @MaskedMan
I don’t remember them all because mostly stream was playing on my background while I was doing some other stuff.

Edit: Edwardson also was one of them i think.

GRATS @Edwardson
I tried congratulating you but you ended up msging me instead and my game got bugged out so I had to close the game, couldn’t click anything


You’re just gaslighting at this point.


Keep your misuse of serious psychological terms out of these forums.

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You’re committing 3 of these things as of now.

At this point, you’re just delusional.

  1. Show me your proof.
  2. You being defensive is on you, no projection needed. I’m just chilling and drinking a sprite. (no ice)
  3. I say I’m trusted as a meme and that isn’t even relevant.

I’m done with your childs play, shrek.
As a recovering victim of narcissistic abuse, I don’t want you pulling out any more of this crap regarding real life psychological topics. This is an online video game forum and you’re trying to loosely string together 3 out of TEN strong topics about REAL abuse and trying to pin it on me because you’re having a tantrum due to you not winning a meme contest. Grow up and cut your bullsh*t.


You’re still not getting the concept of trophies made of actual gold and dumb gold-colored sticker stars.

Nobody asked, and nobody cares. Cry about it somewhere else.

And it’s me who has childish behavior, huh?

You can’t even let people be happy for winning something. You are a selfish human being who persistently causes dissent and ruins the vibes of the forums for all of us. I am not alone on the statement that nobody cares.


You absolutely can be happy that you won it, just don’t insult my memes. That’s all I ask of you.

Criticize them, but constructively.

This post argument is getting nowhere both of you just apologize and move on.

None of their comments past your last comment were directed towards you (in relation to the post mentioned).

What I said wasn’t an insult.
But what you said about your own memes is an insult.