More wiring toggles

So, all wiring toggles that we get are either pressure pads, toggles that you have to hit, or movement sensors.

But what if there were toggles, like keyholes, password enters, or even “swaptoggles”?

Here are my ideas:
Item Name: Keyhole
Description: A stone block with a keyhole embedded in it. Outputs ON if user punches while holding a Key.
Keys for Keyholes can be put in reward chests. If a Keyhole Key is in a reward chest, there will be infinite keys in these, as these would be items that disappear once you leave the world.

Item Name: Password Lock
Description: A small contraption where you can set a password. Wrench to set password. Outputs ON if user inputs correct password.

Item Name: Keyhole Key
Description: An item that can be put in a keyhole in the current world. Disappears upon exiting world. Untradable.

Item Name: Swap Switch
Description: A special switch with rotating symbols. 3 outputs, ON signal depends on visible symbol. Punch to swap between symbols.
If you don’t understand, the switch will swap between a triangle, a circle, a square, and OFF. If a triangle is visible, the 3 outputs will be ON OFF OFF, if a circle, it will be OFF ON OFF, if a square, it will be OFF OFF ON, if it’s set to OFF, all outputs will be OFF.

Item Name: Powered Switch
Description: A switch that can only be switched to ON if the input signal is ON. Otherwise, switch cannot be operated.

Item Name: Lock-Switch
Description: A switch that can be set to ON, but cannot be set back once switched. Leave and reenter world to reset back to OFF.

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I doubt most of these are going to be added, as all but the Keyhole can be implemented exactly or really close to what you described.
By the way, please try to do a better job explaining your ideas. With some of your ideas, there are still questions about how exactly you imagine it. For example:

Does it stay on forever? Can it be set Off again?

Anyways, here is how I implemented all of your ideas but the Keyhole:

Password Lock
I assumed entering the correct password changes the output every time.

Technically this resets as you leave and not as you enter, you could also place a sensor at spawn and get rid of the NOT Gate, but that would come with other problems, such as other players triggering it. I generally think you having to come back may ruin it, because what if you just never came back and ruined it for everybody?

Swap Switch
Of course the symbols aren’t directly on the Switch, so I hope this does the job too.

Powered Switch (1&2)
Both have the issue that they can be operated somewhat before the Switch gets “powered” (the left Switch on both is the input for “powering”). No.1 will always make the output off as soon as it isn’t powered anymore. No.2’s output will stay after it isn’t powered anymore. Of course No.2 comes with the drawback of the Button holding it’s state for a second, so depending on your use case a Pressure Pad may be better.

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