My ideas how to revamp Jetrace

So basically these are just my ideas how to make jetrace alive and make it better.
feel free to leave your opinion below.

Make it annual, basically jetrace will become active once a year for 5 weeks, each weeks there are new special limited prizes, the legendary prize changes every week in the mystery chest.

Royal aviation will be harder to collect due to levels becoming harder, longer and more challenging, but you can still get only 3 tokens from one run.

Jetrace really needs a change, it’s dead otherwise lol

With the current way it works, I don’t really know about that. There’s already a 10 (or 12 with VIP) limit on how many you can do, and restricting it to that timeframe will be strange. Also, there’s an achievement for Jet Race and if you can only do it 5 weeks a year… not sure, doesn’t seem fair to me. And lastly, doing that just removes a fun activity. It’s actually not dead if you go do some at the reset time (12 AM GMT) — understandable if you can’t be there though.

it’s still a flop if only around 50 players play it daily though.

Don’t get me wrong — I’m all for improvement, it’d be great. I just don’t think making it limited event is an improvement, unless it’s more common (like the 3rd/4th week of every month).

yea that’s definitely better idea imo

Or add a twist to it?

Like they could add new minigames to jetrace

Yeah like this: An extension to the Jetrace Update