Need help fast

My account got hacked and I lost all my items

you cant get your items back but you can contact support and get the hacker banned. dont download any ā€˜ā€˜hacksā€™ā€™ or ā€˜ā€˜dupe glitch makerā€™ā€™ or dont go to sites like

The problem is the hackerā€™s account is my brother

He got hacked and after the hacker take all what he wants he logged out from the account

What can I do please

Please contact and make sure to include all details in your report. We canā€™t help you on forum anyways

I know that you canā€™t help me here but thank you

that means your brother is hacker. hackers acc isnt your brothers if he isnt using it. they will find his or her main acc and ban it

My brother isnā€™t hacker. It was someone took his account

Is it sufficient for the Gmail?

you just had to write that you got hacked :smiley: i am pretty sure they can see items and the ip of hacker who went in your account.

Thank you so much for your help :heartpulse:

no problem! hope the hacker gets banned!

I wanted to be a moderator to ban hackers and wow they came to me :sob:

lol! keep on dreaming! maybe one day you will be a mod!

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Ok. If you know your brother ā€œhackedā€ you why donā€™t you just tell him to give your stuff back lol

The problem is that hacker took all items for his own

I opened his account and found that there ie nothing in his inventory

Small note, you can email support like other suggested and include details.
(Oh and also, donā€™t send your email here please, remember to hide it next time :wink:)