Nether is not what you think it is

Nether, is not what you’ve thought of. Or what the majority does, pixel worlds is not what you think it is either.

So, in the world ADE, there is a nether-like room at the bottom right of the world just below the trees.


Inside is a sign written in some type of script form:


And if you try translating it to english: In the beginning there was darkness 1:1

If you think about it, “1:1” It sound like a verse from the bible… which in fact, is! But you maybe wondering why add a verse? What does it have to do with anything in the game? Well let me tell you this, the book of Genesis, 1:1, states that In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and if you try to link the two quote together, the one from ade and the verse 1:1, we get: In the beginning there was darkness and God tried to create the heaven and the earth. The sign was trying to tell us that there is a god that started it all including us pixelians.

If you try looking at this picture you might think that the pixelians are trying to celebrate or praise a huge simple/normal tree in their village. But no, it’s not a normal tree, in my opinion this tree was given by the pixel worlds god as a gift which I would like to call: the tree of life.


Most of us familiar with the term know that the tree of life is mentioned in the Bible in the early chapters of the book of Genesis. We associate it with Adam and Eve and their sin that separated them from God and I definitely could say that it is somewhat similar with the lore of pixel worlds.

The god of Pixel Worlds gave the tree of life to the pixelians as a gift, they praised it and worshipped it as a gift from god. Everything was peaceful back then, everyone lived in harmony until then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked- jk.

Jokes asides, pixelians did used to live in peace and harmony

Until world locks was created and greed began


The pixelians that was once together, celebrating and praising the tree of life are now separated and divided, world locks now revolve around them and it became the measure of everything… because of that, the pixelians have abandoned and have forgotten about god’s gift, the tree of life.


From what I could tell from this picture is that the greed of the pixelians made the tree of life to burst out in anger


From this

To this


I still can’t figure out what the three keys are meant to symbolize though, (yes, I know that the keys are the same one from the netherworld but those keys might’ve been used for something else before the netherworld) perhaps something related to the realms of the old world? From what I think is that these 3 keys are important to the pixelians but the tree took/consumed it from the pixelians as punishment for their sins.

It’s so important that the pixelians even tried to mine their way through to what seems like the root of the tree underground just to get those 3 keys back.


In my opinion, the pixelians were once immortals but because of their sins, the god of pixel worlds turned the sinned into monsters and took their powers of immortality and made them mortals (how did I find out? I will explain it in a while after this).


And there were so much monsters that the other pixelians had no other choice than to leave the earth and start a new life in outerspace.


Also, if you actually go in the pixel station and went to the nether vendor NPC, there’s a chance that you’ll see him say “Ex nihilo nihil fit”

that might sound like gibberish quote… but it’s not, it’s actually latin and if you translate it to english: nothing comes from nothing.

Now this may mean 2 things, nothing comes from nothing as if he was saying that: If god didn’t exist, there is no pixel worlds or, 2, nothing comes into being without something causing or compelling it, like the Netherworld, if the pixelians wouldn’t have sinned, the chaos from the past and netherworld wouldn’t have been a thing, everyone would have had the power of immortality and everyone would have live in peace.

If you’re curious on how I found out that original pixelians used to be immortal but later on became mortal is this.

If you look at the hieroglyph of inside the spaceship, there’s 3 people in different ages in one room.


If you think about it, why is there a baby and an old man when we don’t even age. We also don’t die in pixel worlds, just respawn.

In my opinion the bots, evil professor which is also known as the “doctor” in pixel worlds’ opening cutscene and an unknown commander built some sort of pod that leads to a machine that makes pixelians in to mortals again. They put us in to another dimension or a simulation that depicts the original pixel worlds as a test subject.


Hence the name written “IRL 2.0” in the hieroglyph


Conclusion: We’re all living in a simulation of pixel worlds right now, the netherworld is actually the original pixel worlds and most of the pixelians have figured it all out already. This is one of the main reasons why we raid the evil professor’s secret lab, we’re all trying to seek out the truth, and the reason for why the evil professor keep reviving even if we’ve already killed him multiple times.

That’s all! I’d love to here your thoughts about this. And remember…


really nice theory and backstory

midnightwalker is pixelworlds god huh? if i remember correctly he was first programmer and made the first account in the pixelworlds.


If you think that it’s been solved already, tell me, who is F? Who’s the god of pixel worlds? What’s the rose’s from ADE backstory? What does the 3 keys represent? Why did F’s hologram disappear from ADE? Tell me, I would love to know.

From what I believe, the lore hasn’t even “been solved” yet, we still have a lot to know and the clues for the lore isn’t even over yet. Plus, this is just my theory, I don’t care if it’s long or wasted many hours for this, I just wanted to share what I think to everyone.

I also think that you didn’t even read my theory, you probably just saw the first half or scrolled through my thread that made you think that it’s the same theory that everyone is already talking about.

this does seem quite similar to this

I meant like what are the 3 keys for and why are they 3 instead of just 1, it might have a backstory for it.

I never said anything about F being the god, I just said that there IS a god in pixel worlds and F is trying to tell us that.

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding I thought you were trying to say that it was solved already lol :sweat_smile:

It’s not in my opinion, Games didn’t even say that there was a god in pixel worlds or the pixelians being the netherworld monsters.

Just because we both were talking about the hieroglyph, doesn’t mean we both have the same explanation and theory about it. His theory is different than mine.

Did you even read it?

bruh i did i said similar not exact you both mentioned pixelians being immortal he mya not have said word for word but a lot of stuff was the same

pixelians naturally evolved into capitalism


Yes, because those were facts, and we both had to include it to explain both our theories.

not everything you both said were facts did you watch his vid?

Yes, I did watch it and that video is already a week ago. The pixelians being immortal, and that world locks are the reason of pixelians greed, those 2 are the only fact that I know of and the stuff that we both said similarly, if I recall correctly.

Is there religion in lore? It seems like it hmm.


And the darkness is EndlesS king of all vampires and god of destruction

Who is the maker of all the potions and why is there an F on everyone of them. I expect hate on this comment so idc

wrong the real one 1:1 i been check my bible the first text are not that

Your Theory makes sense @Jay
Cheers! I read it

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No, “In the beginning there was darkness 1:1” is what it says on the sign in ADE. I didn’t say anything about “In the beginning there was darkness 1:1” being in the bible I was trying to say that it’s somewhat similar to the book of Genesis 1:1

Interesting theory, we’ll keep this in mind for sure.
Some parts makes sense to me, but others doesn’t. Anyways, it’s a pretty good one.


k lol (20 characters)

did it mean (the beginning the game was darkness)
its like when they are creating the game
it just black with nothing