New currency: Doge coin

What would you think if there was a Doge Coin in Pixel Worlds?


well, actually that is a good idea :o!

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hmm i searched up dogecoin and it seems its a bit like bitcoin but naming it something like mega coin would be more suitable

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Ether would be better. One ether would be one tenth of a bytecoin.

The game should also implement a system where the price of it is dependent on the community.

Good idea but unnecessary because there is no limit in having bytecoin unlike world lock has limit of 999.

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This could work for much more expensive items if bytes become the main currency.

Yes much better than platinum coins
But they’ll still probably need to change the name


I like the suggestion, but why is called doge coin? also, it should be 21,900 bc for 1 coin but that works too.

Such a great idea! With this finally we could sell our expensive items. :smile:

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Just like how Byte coins are based on Bitcoin, this is basically the same thing as the real life counterpart

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Yea i know, but why doge coin?

Because doge coin is cool


Yes, but coins like this should also be related in-game.

I quite like @Editson’s creation of doge coin.

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owning a dogecoin should automatically turn your world into a moon

:rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Well I’d say that you may can use it for other things too so it is like a new kind of ‘‘payment’’

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Very great idea, I think the way of adding to the game would be making Doge coin as an item and making it undropable.

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yeah having currency as an item is so much nicer

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The better question is: why not? :joy: Jokes aside, I’d actually prefer an Ethereum equivalent instead, with the name of something like ‘Pixeleum’ since it’s the next largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin

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Pixeleum is quite fine, they cant just copy something from a meme. still saying it would be a good additional in-game.

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Seeing how dogecoin is already a currency, and bytes are a play on words, it should definitely be something like “PuppyPoints” or somethin