New currency: Doge coin

I don’t think that pixelworlds needs a bigger currency than byte coins. The only thing that maybe it would need is just a comma every 3 digits to make it easier to read.

Jake said that he thinks pw doesn’t need bigger currency because big mmo trading games like runescape and world of warcraft show that it works just fine.

Edit: games like runescape deal in the billions of coins.

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It wouldn’t be correct spelling to have commas. Well, in America yes, but the rest of the world, no.

most english country actually uses commas every 3rd digit, not just america.

i think it should just have neither a comma nor a period however just for everyone’s sake. pretty sure that’s how it’s recommended to do it internationally.

I think that a space between three numbers is fine.

PuppyPoints… this is the best idea ever! ^-^

There actually is a crypto named “bytecoin”