New lore thingy?

Ok based on how you found a flaming shard instead of this milk thing… I think it’s a visual bug :frowning: no milj NOOOO :sob: :sob:

Actually somebody’s friend supposedly got the milk?? Haven’t seen any images of it in the inventory so I can’t confirm. Hopefully somebody can get a screenshot of the item and its description.

NEVERMIND, false alarm they didn’t collect the milk either. It could still be a visual bug. But tbh it would be a weird bug because why would they have a random sprite of milk?

but maybe… milk is a hint for something… Maybe they mean silk…? That will be next clue to figuring out the lore!Guys, you should definitely buy all my silk caps right now to figure out the lore !


retnos2 retnos3 retnos4 retnos5 retnos6 retnos7 retnos8 retnose9 retnose10 where retnose1

There is also retnub :DD

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lol after retnos3 i used ret1, ret2, ret3 etc etc because retnos4 was taken. (same with retnos1 btw)