Hello I’ve been thinking of this since yesterday and i finally made a decision.
I’m passing the ownership of my account to my brother. He’s been fascinated in the game and I thought it would be nice to give the Account " “Temporarily”. And I “may” return soon. Sorry, im so busy.
I thought my brother about the forum, ig and the basics in the game and about my world of the week attempt so thanks and goodbye.
I think it would be better if he actually just created his own account and you lend him stuff.
That way when you return, he has established his own account already
It is your decision in the end. However, I would recommend keeping the account if you are still considering the possibility of returning. As it was suggested above, let him create his own account and start fresh. Having everything on silver platter usually puts mentality of work and effort meaningless on how easy it is to get stuff based on that interaction alone.