P2P should be ILLEGAL?

Shouldn’t be Pay 2 Play worlds be illegal?
Because no matter what happens its still gambling isn’t it?

There’s some certain parts of Pay 2 Play that are unfair for both sides. I don’t know what they are but I have a feeling there are.


No it’s not gambling as it’s skill base. But I’m against p2p and want it to be illegal, but if it’s luck based then it’s gambling.

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I mean, it’s still GAMBLING. There’s certain parts in P2P where either one of the participants are getting at a dis-advantage which makes it unfair. You’re not seeing but theres probably is.

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Why do u care? There Are lack of players who really play p2p u just dont have to play
And btw making p2p illegal has been suggested for long time its not illegal yet and it wont be Ever.

Taken from https://www.gamblingherald.com/can-games-skill-considered-gambling/

Ever since i came back to pw i have been puzzled by the idea of P2P and i didn’t know what to think about it, even being a host of one when i didn’t know any better.
Is it bad? Is it good? Well from the article above you see that it IS NOT considered gambling, therefore it is not illegal.
The main reason i think people are deeming it gambling is because, for them, it doesn’t take enough skill to be a skill-based game
Understandable of course, because most P2P mostly have 3 main games:

  • Maze, where you hold on button and jump at the right time (and also have to time pushing the button when coming out of a portal)
  • Tic Tac Toe, a very simple game where most of the time it ends up in a draw, basically counting on the opponent making a mistake
  • Tower, (probably the one that takes the most skill), vertical maze, usually having wings/jetpacks forbidden

What makes those games skill-based is the possibility of being consistent at them, if you can win 4/5 times in maze (for example) then it’s not luck, it’s YOU.

I have made up my mind for some time and say (and stand by it) that P2P is not gambling and is not illegal


Do you have confirmation that it won’t be illegal, sir? I don’t think so. There’s still a chance.


Read @smile70 explaniation.

I’ve thought about this for a while. As a returning player after a long break (since 1st anniversary) I saw P2P and instantly thought it was against the rules, as it should be.

Rather than banning P2P worlds, a more inclusive and lenient rule is banning betting. For example, in Growtopia there are “dirt games” where you place a bet and win/lose depending on how many dirt blocks drop from a tree. It’s the same thing here, except you’re placing a bet on wiring, not a dirt tree. Doesn’t matter if it’s supposedly “skill-based” or luck-based.

Even if all the games are so “skill-based”, it still has the opening for a scam. Even if they aren’t immediately scams, it’s conditioning people to fall straight into scams. (And put yourself in a P2P owner’s shoes–you’re getting, how many world locks? It would be so easy to just yoink them… so, scamming is a pretty constant threat in P2P) That’s not fun for anybody.

Even from a marketing standpoint, P2P is harmful for the player’s engagement, anyways. Maybe you win a couple games and then you lose one. It’s still a negative experience with the game and unless the player has a serious gambling addiction it wouldn’t make them want to spend money on the game, it would make them dislike the game for allowing that kind of world.

TL;DR: P2P is harmful for the player’s engagement, and could and very likely will get someone scammed–so it should not be legal.

On a more personal note, I only played Pixel Worlds back, what was it? 3 years ago? because of the social aspect. Buying a global message for 1000 and hanging out with new people for usually hours was the spirit of the game for me. Not toxic, spammy, gambling addictions.


There’s a chance that P2P would be illegal.

First, it is gambling.
Second, there’s a chance that the owner will scam you (I’ve seen alot).
Last, I’m tired of the global messages saying its trusted in the end people gets scammed.

You will never understand because we have different understanding. Aight. Thanks for replying.


I mean p2p is ofc 80% scam in nowdays but betting and stuff Sounds do like casino…
But still 50% of it is still skill based stuff and pw developement Will not make it illegal

I thought that Pay To Play would be more of a prizes that are given by the host, and not by both players. Both players are risking their own valuables. This idea is just non-sense but its how I think it should be.


If host puts Prize then its absolutely skill-based.
But If players bet, then its something similar to casino.

Exactly, gambling.

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if host puts prize



I mean If host puts example Prize 2wls its not gambling, its skill based on that case

So the players play for free?
then how would p2p be profitable :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

nvm i have memory loss

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I know, but if both players are risking their valuables then its gambling. Ones a winner ones a loser.

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No, its something like they will pay to win that certain prize but given by the owner/host

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ah, that makes sense then

It shouldn’t have existed instead. LMAO